
Logical Thinking

Logical Thinking

  • Basic Time Management Course special

    $ 69.99

    Personal time management skills are essential for professional & personal success in any area of life. Those able to successfully implement time management strategies are able to control their workload rather than spend each day in a frenzy of activity reacting to crisis after crisis.

  • Student Registration and Orientation new

    $ 50.00
    COURSE REGISTRATION - NON-REFUNDABLE FEE Thank you for choosing to register with our training center. You have the option of going virtual or in-person. Your choice is ours. RequirementsWhat is the target audience? CURRICULUM
  • Swift Programming for Beginners

    $ 399.99

    Swift is one of the fastest growing programming language and is now the most preferred technology for iOS and Mac Development. We at Eduonix have crafted a course to meet the growing demand of Quality Swift Programming for both beginners and Intermediate developers.