Module 1 – Getting to know Microsoft Office Word
- Start Microsoft Office Word
- Introduction to Microsoft Office Word Environment
- Title bar, Minimize, Maximize, Close
- Quick Access Toolbar
- Scroll bar, Status bar, Views, Zoom
- Word Working Environment: Backstage View, Ribbon, Tabs, Groups and Commands.
- Creating a new document
- Save a document
Module 2 – Editing a document
- Open an existing document
- Moving around in a document
- Adding French accented letters and special characters
- How to do a print preview
- Setting up margins and page orientation
Module 3 – Customize options and views for documents
- Changing document views
- Using zoom
- Customizing the quick access toolbar
- Customizing the ribbon
- Splitting the window
Module 4 – Manipulating text in a document
- Selection of text: word, line, sentence, paragraph, consecutive words, non-consecutive words
- Delete words, Use of Undo, Insert text
- Copy and paste feature
- Cut and paste words
- Find and replace words
Module 5 -Formatting Text in a document
- Apply bold, italic, underline
- Text alignment: left, center, right and justify
- Change font color, font style, font size
- Apply text formatting – Quick Styles
- Learn the use of character spacing and line spacing
Module 6 -Presenting information in other formats
- Borders
- Color shading
- Newspaper columns