Excel For Professionals
Module 1 – Create worksheets and workbooks
- Creating new blank workbooks
- Creating new workbooks using templates
- Importing files
- Opening non-native files directly in Excel
- Adding worksheets to existing workbooks
- Copying and moving worksheets
Module 2 – Navigate through worksheets and workbooks
- Searching for data within a workbook
- Inserting hyperlinks
- Changing worksheet order
- Using Go To
- Using Name Box
Module 3 – Customize options and views for worksheets and workbooks
- Managing macro security
- Changing workbook views
- Recording simple macros
- Adding values to workbook properties
- Displaying formulas
- Freezing panes
- Assigning shortcut keys
- Splitting the window
Module 4 – Order and group cells and ranges
- Applying conditional formatting
- Inserting sparklines
- Transposing columns and rows
- Creating named ranges
- Creating outline
- Collapsing groups of data in outlines
- Inserting subtotals
Module 5 – Utilize cell ranges and references in formulas and functions
- Utilizing references (relative, mixed, absolute)
- Defining order of operations
- Referencing cell ranges in formulas
Module 6 – Create a table
- Moving between tables and ranges
- Adding and removing cells within tables
- Defining titles
Module 7 – Modify a table
- Applying styles to tables
- Banding rows and columns
- Inserting total rows
- Removing styles from tables
Module 8 – Filter and sort a table
- Filtering records
- Sorting data on multiple columns
- Changing sort order
- Removing duplicates
Module 9 – Summarize data with functions
- Utilizing the SUM function
- Utilizing the MIN and MAX functions
- Utilizing the COUNT function
- Utilizing the AVERAGE function
Module 10 – Insert and format an object
- Inserting text boxes
- Inserting smartart
- Inserting images
- Adding borders to objects
- Adding styles and effects to objects
- Changing object colors
- Modifying object properties
- Positioning objects